Thursday, June 21, 2007

With You

I have often been criticized that my poems have been too depressing. I guess they only see what's on to base their opinions on. That site only allows poems that are 20 lines or less. Some of my more uplifting poems are much longer and give hope to the reader. I am going to share with you one of a few poems I wrote for my therapist Carol who has since retired. When I think about her and our time together it always makes me smile. It was due to her kindness and her guidance that I am in a better place in my life today.

With You

I lived my life the black hole,
As a result, I never achieved my true goal.
I woke up one day and told myself enough of this,
The search began to climb myself out of the abyss.
I needed to find someone I could trust,
That to me is a must.
Now I have found you my lending ear,
You are the first person I have let get near.

Now with you I can talk about and feel the pain,
You gave me hope, now my life will never be the same.
With you, I learned that bad things happen to GOOD people,
So no longer do I need a pew and a steeple.
With you, I learned I had to forgive myself what I did to survive,
You were there when my soul began to thrive.

With you, I learned I don’t have to forgive HIM for the treachery
he infiltrated upon me,
When I found that out, I yelled, Yippee!
With you, I learned I have to forgive myself at that’s ALL,
No longer must I feel like I am a foot tall.
With you, I learned that is was NOT my fault,
That was the biggest truth that I was taught
It was one of the answers that I have always sought.


Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Hi Marie,

Your poem "With You" shows a deep seated desire in your soul to truly relate to someone you can trust, someone you can hold on to when you experience weaknesses, someone to share your joys and sorrows. It's nice to know that you have found that someone. Your poems reveal varied emotions of your soul- your longings, your pains, your loneliness, your search for an elusive dream, etc. It's good that you can vent your various emotions in poetry- that's cathartic. It takes a lot of load off your shoulders.

Just remember, Jesus is the most reliable and loving friend you can ever relate to. He's there at all times. There's no busy line with Him nor can He ever be indisposed to hear you out. You can cry your heart out to Him and He will always give you comfort. Friends, acquaintances, lovers will come and go, but Jesus will always be there for you, patiently waiting for the day you will open your heart to Him and invite Him to come in and sup with you. (Revelation 3:20)

God bless you Marie with all the beautiful and wonderful things in life. Count me as your loyal friend
as I always pray for you.

heiresschild said...

hi marie, i saw your comments on mel's blog, and wanted to visit your blog to check out some of your poetry.

people don't always understand artists and their work, so the people who think your poetry is so depressing, they don't understand that the words come from the depths of your soul and express who you are, or who you were, or what you've been thru, or what you're going thru, etc. and that's ok. there are many others who will have eyes and ears to see and understand.

"with you" is beautiful. not only do we forgive ourselves, but we do forgive others because we then release all bondage ties where we can truly be free to move on, naturally and spiritually.

keep expressing yourself thru the gift that God has bestowed within you. i'll be back to read more.